Friday 11 November 2011

15th Update ($20.00-$1000 BR Challenge)

It's been a while since my last update, sorry about that. Then again, next to no one probably reads this anyway ;)

Anyway its been nearly 5 days since my last update.

I'm really really disappointed at my volume, but been not so well and just tired and not finding the time to play. I've played less than 300 games in nearly a week..which sucks, considering I got into a rytham of playing 100+ a day!! Arrrg..motivation please!!!

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact I have been running quite bad, and had a huge down swing but managed to post recently about coming out of it.

Anyway, I said at the start of the month I wanted to achieve goldstar VIP status which would work out at like 6000fpp's but doesn't look likely unless I put in massive volume. I've only accumulated 654 vpps this month so far, so need to hit 2356 by the end of the month, which would require around 150 games per day on average until the end of the month, or move up in stakes..

I have managed to hit a peak of nearly $350,00 so I could in reality add the $3.50 18man games to my grind but I'm unsure as of yet, I think I'd be more comfortable when I hit $375.00

Bankroll: $348.00

Monday 7 November 2011

14th Update ($20.00-$1000 BR Challenge) - Battle Of The Planets Promotion

Hi guys,

not really played all that much since Saturday. I think I've played a total of 50 tournaments, nothing "big" to report on really, just standard game made a few dollars but that's about it. I went deep in several tournaments, just lost 3 flips on 3 FT for a pathetic small cash in all. Just winning one of the flips would of put me in good contention to win a few more buy-ins. Never mind, I can't complain been running good the 2 days prior...well actually probably just fair because of the huge down swing and suck outs I was experiencing days before that!

Anyway,  I just wanted to talk about battle of the planets (BOP)

Since playing the 18man SnG's you are already entered into a league with free prize money just for playing your own game type.

I managed to actually cash for $5.00 for finishing 85th..first place is $150.00 for the lowest stakes and obviously this month will get in enough volume to actually compete.

I've also been playing a $1.00 satty in to the $10.00 satty and managed to win a ticket after the 5th attempt which I've ungreisted now so +$5.00 profit

Will update when  I have something significant.

Saturday 5 November 2011

13th Update ($20.00-$1000 BR Challenge)

Hello all,

My last post of the very depressing day I had on the 3rd and big "downswing" with losing 45buy-ins was horrible to do a write up about. Hell, who wants to blog about their poker when it involved nothing but negative stuff and NOTHING going right.

Well, it's easy to say with this one as it always is easier when you're commenting on a upswing (or just variance evening itself out)

However, I find it remarkable how bad I am at tilt control etc...when in a down swing like you hear EVERYWHERE, I became negative and looked at my play but every time I checked out some hands especially in that big losing session, I did nothing really that wrong, maybe the odd hand here and there I could of played better but in general, I was losing coin flips galore and worse of it I was losing with hands I was dominating too.

You have to try and remind yourself it's just variance but I can't keep a level head and tend to tilt and question my game. I even went to grinding 9man SNGs which I never ever play and totally suck at in the hope of gaining some profit and vpp's, which I did manage to do by the way.

Anyway, I played the 3rd of November and lost like I say a massive 50 buy-ins and played a good amount of games, 118 tournaments to be precise!!! I guess this is quite normal though for most people..and hell I'm in for a rough ride if I can't handle that very well when I move up in stakes..

I played the 4th (yesterday) and had a positive day and won back quite a brag worthy 22 buy-ins which was good, put me back at the $250.00 mark, still behind but definitely less tilting but my volume was very low, with only 23 games or something.

I played today and again not much volume even worse actually by only playing 21 games but I recorded my best ever session in terms of buy-sin + profit and won back what I lost and gained more in BR in the process so all positive just disappointed in my volume...

November results:

As you can see from the graph it shows how swingy it already has been!

Total P/L: ++200

Bankroll: $300.00

I'm currently of pace for achieving goldstar but this is because of the down swing and not grinding as much in terms of volume because I was tiliting a little. I'm currently at the 5th day in the month and won't play until most likely tomorrow and currently sat on 356vpps this month.. but will just have to add more games and do over 150 tomoz hopefully.

Friday 4 November 2011

12th Update ($20.00-$1000 BR Challenge) - Downswing :(

Curently on a big downswing. I say it's big but I have  30buy-in downswing at the 50c level so I guess it's very possible to hit a 40 buy-in downswing at $1.00/$1.50 levels.

My roll has taken a big hit, I'm currently down around $50.00 and took a hit of losing $45.00 in one session.

This is totally unmotivating to say the least!

I then decided (maybe slight tilt too) to play a session of STT's with like 20 STT's and won $10.00 in total so my BR is actually,

$229.00 and was $284.00 :(:(:(

I'm hoping I don't tilt and tilt lots of but hell I'm running bad as bad. Never seen a run of ban cards, each and every hand I have that is dominating A,10<A,9 etc AA < Set // top two pair < < runner, runner.

Each and every time I know exactly what villian has when I bet out TPTK or two pair on a wet board or set even on a wet board that he's shoving a flush draw every time and I've never ever seen so many times the flush hit. I'm talking it's happened most likely 20 times and 18/19 of the times a flush has hit, this is by no means an exaggeration! :)

Now I know this post seems like a whine post and it most likely is a little but I'm so tilted at the minute, I wanted to of moved up to the $3.50 games now and had hoped for a $350.00 BR but that's not happening and it feels I'm back to square one. The problem is, if this downswing continue, how long can I keep going at the limits, I don't think I can motivate myself to drop down to the 50c games as the grind is so so bad.

Until next time I hope to post a positive report/post..

Goodluck at the tables!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

11th Update ($20.00-$1000 BR Challenge) -End of month report + goals for November!

I'm going to just do what I said I wasn't going to do.

Post graphs !

In all seriousness though, I finally have got PT3 correctly importing and have ALL my MTTSnG's game's I've played and an accurate graph. In doing this, I'm having to get rid of MTT wins/fpp wins etc but will include my FULL BR at the end.

The reasons for this is that MTT sattys which I've played a fair few of DON'T process at all so bascially you have to manually fill them in, thus not acquiring all the correct buy-ins/rebuy's/tickets etcetc so it's just one big mess.

I'm also going to be including stats for all the SNG's I've been playing with the games played at what stakes and ROI% etc even though they will still be way off purely based on my game sample. I don't even expect them to be accurate towards the $1k BR mark as I imagine (if I move up in stakes quick enough) I won't even of played 5000 SNG's.

Again though, this depends solely on how long I'm at the $1.00 games for.

I can/still do mix in 50c games and even the occasional 360man 10c because of how soft they are and nice for tilt to shove 10c ATC in these games ;)

October Report!:

So it's been nearly a full month  (well just over 3weeks) since I started the challenge.I guess I have to be happy with actually having a profit, however I'm disappointed in my volume. I wanted to have double the amount of the games under my belt but it just hasn't happened.

I think now with playing the $1.50 18man and $1.50 45mans etc etc that I should/could be able to reach my goal by the end of the month IF I get the volume in. I could even maybe reach the target quicker than that as I expect to be hitting the $3.50 45man/ $2.50 90man / $2.50 180man and also $3.50 18man. My current aim is to of moved up in limits by this time next week and have a roll of nearly $500.00. If I get in 1000 games within this time then it's very possible..



 (Requires just under 3000vpp's) Possible to earn 100  per day maybe more especially when/if I move up in limits sooner rather than later. This would reward me with 4500 fpps (enough to buy a "prize") but I would continue saving and using some of them for little tournaments.

This would also allow me to start December with 2xfpp rate and with moving up in limits along with gaining more vpp's in general I guess it's all possible to for many things in December if all goes to plan! But - one step at a time.

$700 Profit: 

All very possible if I get the volume in along with moving up to as little as $2.50/$3.50 games.



Obviously my total games are more than the total that's being shown as I've played most likely nearly 100 or more in sattys and then on top of that a various amount of MTT's with large fields.

Since adding the 18man I think varience is less so even though I have more in play at any one time (up to $40.00 sometimes) but it irons out the varience a bit more and I think I can multi table them along with the other MTT's + it's a great vpp/fpp builder.

SnG - P/L         : +$218
Bankroll:          :$286.00

Deposits: $30.00 (For free timed tournament ticket) 
                 $10.00 (For a "free" ticket to the 10th year anniversary freeroll.

As you can see, I've deposited $40.00 in total since my BR challenge so I really shouldn't be including these, but the only reasons for the deposits are for "freebies" and I'm not expecting to lose any of the money I've deposited. If anything, it gives me more of a cushion. You might wonder why don't I withdraw the $40.00 I've deposited so far and the reasons is because I don't miss the money and even withdrawing money find it quite negative + it might help with the BR challenge in moving up slightly quicker!