Saturday 5 November 2011

13th Update ($20.00-$1000 BR Challenge)

Hello all,

My last post of the very depressing day I had on the 3rd and big "downswing" with losing 45buy-ins was horrible to do a write up about. Hell, who wants to blog about their poker when it involved nothing but negative stuff and NOTHING going right.

Well, it's easy to say with this one as it always is easier when you're commenting on a upswing (or just variance evening itself out)

However, I find it remarkable how bad I am at tilt control etc...when in a down swing like you hear EVERYWHERE, I became negative and looked at my play but every time I checked out some hands especially in that big losing session, I did nothing really that wrong, maybe the odd hand here and there I could of played better but in general, I was losing coin flips galore and worse of it I was losing with hands I was dominating too.

You have to try and remind yourself it's just variance but I can't keep a level head and tend to tilt and question my game. I even went to grinding 9man SNGs which I never ever play and totally suck at in the hope of gaining some profit and vpp's, which I did manage to do by the way.

Anyway, I played the 3rd of November and lost like I say a massive 50 buy-ins and played a good amount of games, 118 tournaments to be precise!!! I guess this is quite normal though for most people..and hell I'm in for a rough ride if I can't handle that very well when I move up in stakes..

I played the 4th (yesterday) and had a positive day and won back quite a brag worthy 22 buy-ins which was good, put me back at the $250.00 mark, still behind but definitely less tilting but my volume was very low, with only 23 games or something.

I played today and again not much volume even worse actually by only playing 21 games but I recorded my best ever session in terms of buy-sin + profit and won back what I lost and gained more in BR in the process so all positive just disappointed in my volume...

November results:

As you can see from the graph it shows how swingy it already has been!

Total P/L: ++200

Bankroll: $300.00

I'm currently of pace for achieving goldstar but this is because of the down swing and not grinding as much in terms of volume because I was tiliting a little. I'm currently at the 5th day in the month and won't play until most likely tomorrow and currently sat on 356vpps this month.. but will just have to add more games and do over 150 tomoz hopefully.

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