Thursday 13 October 2011

3rd Update ($20.00-$1000 BR Challenge)


I'm still unsure if updating everyday or every other day is worth it as the volume I'm getting isn't significant enough to blog daily I don't think.

Then again, I like reading peoples blog sessions on a day by day basis just to see how they build and how quickly they build etc.

I haven''t updated for two days, but will do now but from here on in I might leave blogging to at least 100 games played or twice weekly, maybe even weekly. I find blogging though and posting my thoughts helps me keep motivated though, so again I'm unsure. I will just play it by ear at the minute!

I actually played two small sessions with a total of around 80 games I think. I'm still running bad I think, the session started awfully and I managed to pick up premiums early on in many and some how each time I got it in good everyone just seemed to hit set after was soul destroying.

One particular hand reallly ate me up was a 90 man, I was chip leader and had a fair amount of chips in play, then there was a second highest chip stack who was at my table and around 18 people remained.

I pick up Aces UTG, raise 2.3xBB and get 3bet by the big stack. Obviously I 4bet shove here, he snaps and turns over Jacks..flop hits and there's a lovely Jack for him, which in the end held and he took down the pot.

I just never understand some people, he himself was 40 blinds deep, I haven't been to reckless in the game and I raise UTG, then 4 bet shove his 3 bet. Alarm bells would ring for me and I'd lay down jacks, unless they was a complete aggro donkey who I knew was capable of doing this with any A etc...

Never mind though, I guess it is standard variance it just titled me a bit to carry on but I managed to keep my cool and carry on.

I still really struggle with tilt need to get it under control, if I can't take a few bad beats I'm never going to be able to build a good BR as I will just donk the lot off.

I also played a 50c MTT with 800 runners, finished 40th I think for a cool $1.10 or something lol.

Jacks AIPF with 15 blinds, get snapped by A,K and 8.9's big stack. Flop a set, runner,runner 8,9 scoops the pot, game over! Wooo...


Session(s) (2) P/L:  +$30.00

Games:                   388

Challenge P/L :        +$67.19

Bankroll:              : $83.96

So, again I feel I'm not getting in enough volume but it's just time more than anything. If I could fit in 100 games per day I'd be so happy, but at the minute it's not happening.

Anyway, I've quadrupled my BR so things are looking good I guess. I just want to get too $1.50 90 mans and $1.00 45mans but still need to get more in my BR. I'm looking at around $150 before I move up, giving myself well over 150 buy-ins for 45 man (which is a bit nitty but I dont want to bust) and 100 buy-ins for 90 man BUT....I'm still going to mix in the 50c 45's/90mans till I have just over $200 so I can exclusively play 45/90man $1.50 comfortably rolled.

Good luck at the tables!

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