Friday 14 October 2011

3rd Update ($20.00-$1000 BR Challenge)


So we are nearing a week since I started this challenge.

I started it back last Friday 7th and so far the challenge has gone according on terms of plan and getting a +$ profit.

I actually managed to put in an ok grind in total and got in around 67 games in total. I think the ratio was something like 60 SnG MTT's and the rest 7 donkaments.

I played the "Big $2.20" which normally would be outside of my strict BR management but I saw two sattys running prior to the game, one was a $0.40c turbo and another was a 0.30c Rebuy turbo. I managed to actually had to tell myself in the rebuy one that I couldn't rebuy more than once and this once being in time for me to actually do something or I would be throwing money away and I could add on. Luckily, I didn't even need to rebuy once, or add on (I forgot to add on?:s) but anyway, I managed to cash in both for a 70c investment with a return of $4.40 in total. There was still 10minutes before the game would be starting and and I thought about unregging and just claming the T$ but, in the end decided to play it because I didn't see it as 4 buy-ins to play the tournament, it wasn't even one buy-in when you look at me cashing in both.

I was very tired though and after 2hours of play was falling asleep. I was tempted to just sit out and sleep but because I'm a EV nit I just continued and though "It's 4 buy-ins of my roll this!" I think I was in good stead towards the end, table was very weak, I could shove anyones open with 17blinds left and get folds. I doubled up with a hand, which I can't even remember now and was actually 7th with only 150 remaining. At this point though, it was nearly 5am...I coulden't go on anymore really, I needed to be up early and well if I could of guranteed I could of ran really deep in to the FT I would of gave it my A game but obviously, chances are this woulden't of happened and I'd of busted 2hours later or so for not much extra in cash so I went all out aggro.

 I opened up A,5s with 45blinds UTG+1 lol (this is how tired I was, didn't care about busting)  got flat called, board comes down Qh,Jh,As. I bet out and get raised, first thing I thought here was this guy had been nitty and I honestly thought Ok, he could well have me beat with a higher kicker at least here and I was sure it was the case. Anyway, I 4bet shoved my stack,(Looking at it now, most likely not the best of moves vs a nit) because I did have top pair he insta called and turned over A,J. I had loads of outs though to even tie the pot and had nut flush draw so I think I had enough equity in most cases to shove this and get folds, he also had a biggish stack.

In all honestly though, I had a feeling I was beat but just wanted to bust (Not the right attitude I know) Anyway, I gained $7.93 or something for my trouble with a 100th or so finish out of 3k runners.


Session Games:  67

Session P/L:       +$18.79

Total Games:       455

Total P/L:           +$85.98

Bankroll:            $100.81

Soo, woohoo a mile stone be it a small mile stone. I've now actually quadrupled my BR and have just over $100!

So with $100 I could start playing the $1.00/$1.50 games, but I think it might tilt me if I go on 20buyin downswimgs which I've been experiencing in the 50c games, I can't help but let it tilt me a bit. So, my aim (might sound nitty to everyone) but to safely make sure I don't tilt of all my hard work that I want the buy--ins as follows,

18man($1.50): 100 buy-ins (Not 100% sure If I'm going to play these yet)
45man:($1.50) 120 buy-ins
90man:($1.00) 150 buy-ins
180man/MTT  200+ buy-ins depending on buy-in.

I'll be posting again within the next day or so!

ps: Not sure if my PT is slightly out as it says +$85 yet this would put me at $105 considering I started with $20.00. I think this could be to do with satty tournaments not being tracked correctly..anyway it's not a mega issue, will try and fix it.

Good luck at the tables.

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